Dark House Rentals
Reservations 1-218-659-4612 Cabins or Dark/Angling Houses
Ice In/Ice out/Fishing reports Hot Line 1-218-659-4002
E-Mail dixonlakeresortmn@gmail.com
Dark House Spearing.
Single Spear/Angling House Rentals: 4 by 4
20" by 30" spear/angling, 2 decoy lines, chair, Propane Heat.
$50/Day for Resort guest, $60/Day for non-guest.
Double Spear/Angling House Rentals: 8 by 8
2 20" by"30 spear/angling, 4 decoy lines, propane heat, chairs.
$100 a day for Resort guest, $120/Day for non-guest.
The Quads.
4 person Spear house we have 2 of these.
There are 2 spear holes in the middle so there is a person on each side of each hole. Nice comfy chairs 2 decoy lines for each hole.
8 By 16 and 8 by 12
These run $200 or $50 a day per person guest or 240 non guest.
These are some times uses as just a double so in this case its the price per person.
Fun for the family or all of the guys.
The Ice Cabin Sleeper: 8 by 20 check it out
A 2012 Salem Ice Cabin set up for 4 persons with
4 bunks, 8 angling holes, stove, oven, tv/dvd player
and propane heat. New fishing spot for each new guest. Try and locate your preferred fish. Pan fishing has been the favorite sunnies, crappies, and perch as it can supply all day action.
We supply the generator, gas and propane.
Rates are $300 for 24 hours, or $580 for 48, or $850 for 72 hours. More info in cabins Sleeper House

The Chippewa All Dressed For Winter
We place all our dark and angling house's out on Lake Winnibigoshish 3rd River Flowage. About 7 miles from the resort.
The 3rd river is none for its big northern pushing all the pan fish up in this area, making it a great spot for all sorts of fishing. Crappie, blue gill, sunnies, perch, bass, even walleye are just a few of what you may see whale waiting for that big northern to stop by.
The 3rd river is also known for Its first ice as this protected bay on the north end of winnie will have walk-able ice where other lakes still have waves. We normaly have houses out by Thanksgiving if ice conditions are good. (5 inches or better). We set the house's along the old river channel in about 8 to 10ft of water. We start putting the house straight out then move farther towards the main lake to an area known as the Clay Banks. Big sand flat that with winnies crystal clear water you can watch fish of all species swim under you .
Todd plows down fishermen road then the landing road and out on the ice. There is a pay box on the ice, it is customary to drop in $10 a vehicle to help offset the cost of time and gas. This access is open to the public as it is part of the national forest. Your tax dollars revamped this access road in 2002 for the winter fishermen. With plenty of parking down at the landing to unload your wheeler and gear, or making it a short walk pulling your sleds out by hand.
Making a reservation for dark house only for your self or a group of you just give us a call. We do take name, address, phone # and a credit card # to hold the house. The card # is just to hold the time slot and house you can pay cash or check on day of reservation or you can give us a go ahead to use the card on file. We meet at the landing where we sell bait and get you set up in your fish house.
We have a trailer set up with seats to take you out on early ice. If you have your own wheeler s we do invite you to bring them so you are not as dependent on us if you need to run to the landing for anything.
This road is what was known as the old Hay road. Years back this road led to the lands and native camps along the third river before the dam was put in on the Mississippi river. Once dammed what became lake Winnibigoshish a native name for nasty filthy waters, with the extra ish for very filthy. Once the dam was put into place the camps were then moved to the new shores when winnie was much bigger then it is today.
This access has been used by winter fishermen for 30 or more years. The resort has been running a string of spear house using this winter road. Reports were that at one time they had 75 spear houses set up for renters and at times they were rented twice a day as one fishermen limited out and a new one moved in. Unbelievable. At one time the road in was so bad that some one with a tractor spent the day pulling vehicles down to the parking then turned around at the end of the day to pull them back up to the top.
The road was revamped in 2002 in conjunction with the USDA Forestry, Leech Lake Indian Heritage Foundation, the DNR and the Dixon Lake Association to make this a better road for winter use only. The parking lot was raised up with fill from the greely pit, felt was put along the road bed to help maintain the gravel along the swamps and a gate was put in to limit the use during the wet seasons. Dixon Lake Resort puts in for a permit to use this road each year and also maintains the snow removal for fishermen road and the landing road.
The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Heritage Foundation are now conducting study's on the road bed and areas around the parking area at the end of the road for artifacts. We as Dixon Lake Resort are working each year to keep this access open for all fishermen. And will continue to do so.
Check out the ice laws per the MNDNR. On the Mn Dnr web site.
First Ice
Public Access
Making reservations. 1-218-659-4612
Early Ice Transportation.
Landing Road History Forestry # 2794